8th Erasmus+ Staff Week in University of Ruse 13-17 May 2024
University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" will host its 8th Erasmus+ Staff Week within the period 13-17 May 2024. Next week we are expecting 28 participants from 11 universities situated in 8 countries - Albania, Algeria, Jordan, Kosovo, Mexico, Moldova, Romania and Slovakia. The topic of the event will be "Digitalization of the higher Education - Good International Practices".
Meeting with Head of Global Affairs of Danubius International University
On 1.03.2024 University of Ruse was visited by Assoc. Prof. Emanuel-Stefan Marinescu – Head of Global Affairs of Danubius International University, Galati, Romania. He was met by Assoc. Prof. Galina Ivanova, PhD. – Vice-Rector in International Relations, Prof. Yuliana Popova, PhD. – Interinstitutional Communications Coordinator and Diana Georgieva – Senior expert in International Relations. He greeted the new management of University of Ruse and wished that the good cooperation between the two institutions should be kept and expanded to new study areas. Assoc. Prof. Ivanova and Assoc. Prof. Marinescu presented several international conferences organized by their universities which are excellent opportunities for lecturers to upgrade their professional knowledge.

Erasmus lecturers from Romanian company presents practical training to Bulgarian and Erasmus students
On 13.03.2024 was held a training on modern automotive systems provided by Adrian Gidali and Florin Simon - representatives of the Romanian company "Garage Training" who visited the university under the Erasmus+ program.The training was organized in partnership with the Faculty of Transport, represented by Assoc. Prof. Georgi Kadikyanov, PhD
and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation - by Assoc. Prof. Seher Kadirova, PhD. This practical session on Tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) was visited by PhD students, students and teachers from both faculties, as well as
foreign students from Germany, Romania, Georgia, Kazakhstan.

Erasmus lecturer from University of Bacau, Romania
On 21.03.2024 Assoc. Prof. Oana Irimia from "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau, Romania, who visited University of Ruse within the Erasmus + Program, delivered a lecture "Circular Economy in the Water Sector" to the "Quality Management" master degree students and members of Youth Quality Club. The lecture started with presentation of Sen. Assist. Tzvetelin Gueorguiev from Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering "Circular Economy Standards and Their Connection to Water Quality and Environment Management Systems". As a special guest was invited the Vice-Dean of Agrarian and Industrial Faculty - Assoc. Prof. Plamen Manev from "Heat equipment, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering".![]()

Two Algerian PhD students presented their PhD thesis development in Ruse and Razgrad
Fadoua Nihad Chergui and Chemseddine Kouloughli - PhD students from the University of Biskra, Algeria, participated in a workshop held in Ruse and in Razgrad Branch to students and teachers from Faculty of Agrarian and Industrial Engineering.