• Provides technical, technological and logistical distance learning (DL) at the University of Ruse;
  • Organizes the training of teachers participating in the DL;
  • Responsible for familiarizing students with the peculiarities of DL;
  • Works together with the course coordinators to implement the goals of the DL;
  • Follows the development of means and technologies for DL.

Functions of DLC:

1. Determines the main guidelines for the development and activity of the CDO;

2. Discusses and proposes for approval by the Academic Council amendments and additions to the Regulations for the structure and activity of the Academic Council.

3. Proposes for approval by the Rector the compositions of the separate departments of the Central Educational Institution;

4. Solves the issues related to the technical and software provision of the CDO;

5. Adopts instructions for the content and the way of shaping the learning materials intended for distance learning;

6. Accepts the study materials intended for distance learning.

The head of the DLC has the following functions:

1. Represents the Academic Affairs Committee before the governing bodies of the University of Ruse and is a member of the Academic Work Council at the Vice-Chancellor. the rector of UR;

2. Organizes and controls the implementation of the decisions of the Distance Learning Council;

3. Coordinates the activities of the Center for Distance Learning with other units of the University of Ruse;

4. Approves the learning materials intended for distance learning;

5. Leads the meetings of the Distance Learning Council;

6. Directs and controls the effective use of the financial means and material base of the DLC;

7. Proposes the staffing of the departments of the Academic Council for approval by the Academic Council;

8. Performs other functions arising from the Law on Higher Education, the Regulations for the Activities of the University of Ruse and the powers given to it by the Rector.

In his work, the Head of the DLC is assisted by the Deputy. the head of the DLC, whose responsibilities and powers are determined by the Head of the DLC, in agreement with the Rector. Deputy the head of the DLC is elected by the Academic Council on the proposal of the Head of the DLC.

The structure of the DLC

1. "Technical provision of distance education" department: maintains and develops the material base of the EDUC and provides technical e-mail communication and online connection between students and teachers.

2. "Technological and logistical support of distance learning" department: maintains and develops the website of the Center for Education and the Internet-based system for the placement of educational materials and resources for self-training. The department assists in the preparation and bases in this system the study materials that have been accepted by the Distance Learning Council and provides technologically and logistically the distance form of learning at the University.