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Master programme in European Studies and Regional Cooperation

Qualification profile  

Teaching within the master programme European Studies and Regional Cooperation builds the profile of an expert in regional cooperation in the European Union. This profile covers knowledge, skills and values as regards: 

-          the achievements of integration in Europe from the middle of the XX century;

-          the development of multi-level governance in the European Union;

-          the practices of intraregional, cross-border and transnational cooperation in the European Union.

  Within the four semester training the student develops competences for decision-making, for accomplishment of activities and for assessment regarding the European cooperation in view of:

-          the complexity of the process of European integration and the multi-level governance in the European Union;

-          the specific features of the European Union in comparison with other international organizations;

-          methods of regional analysis;

-          similarities and differences in national administrative systems in Europe;

-          evolution and current state of the institutions and decision-making in the European Union;

-          development of the legal system of the European Union;

-          the development of the European Union as an economic and monetary union;

-          impact of the world economics and globalization on the European Union;

-          planning and implementation of common policies in the European Union;

-          social and economic development of the European Union;

-          practices of regional cooperation in the Danube region and the Black Sea region;

-          management of European projects, implemented through regional cooperation;

-          values of the European civilization as a common achievement of the variety of cultures;

-          the specifics of intercultural communication in an European environment;

-          the specifics of professional communication in English language;

-          non-specialized/specialized communication in German language;

-          basic communication in Romanian or in Bulgarian as a foreign language;

-          skills for team work and leadership.

The successful acquisition of these competences is a prerequisite for a carrier in paradiplomacy, emerging in the context of multi-level governance in the European Union (supranational and intranational; national (but with a priority of the decisions made for the European Union); subnational (for districts and municipalities of the nation states), as well as for the regions individuated at the common European territory.